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TATER TALK: Overload and Underload Training - The Basics

Overload and underload hitting training has become a hot topic in the world of baseball instruction lately - from youth players to MLB guys. In this segment of Tater Talk,...

Here at Tater, our main training staples for the last few years have been our overload and underload training bats, the G Force 2.0 and SST. These bats have seen use in over half of MLB facilities, as well as numerous colleges across the country. So what’s the deal? Why have these tools been instrumental in helping improve hitters at the highest levels?

The science behind it is relatively simple - swinging something heavy trains your body to get used to applying more force into the bat, and swinging something light trains your body to get used to rotating more quickly. When you pair these actions together, the hitter ends up swinging their game bat faster with less perceived effort - leading to a swing that feels smooth and controlled, while still being explosive.

In addition to added speed, the G Force and SST also provide stability and connection for the hitter throughout their swing. The G Force, with its typical +10 weight, requires a stronger base with the core and legs to move the bat through the zone. If the hitter is using all arms they’ll feel the bat get away from them - this leads to an uncomfortable swing and a lot of rollovers to the pull side / flared popups to the opposite field. Using the middle of the body to control the weight creates a cleaner path through the middle of the field and promotes clean, line drive contact. Barrel control is an added benefit from the heavier weight. 

On the other hand, the SST underload is typically -7 and is much easier to handle; which also forces the hitter to use their body more efficiently rather than just throwing their hands at the ball. The whipping action that the hitter feels should come from a solid, connected coil and release out from the body. With the lighter bat, the body will rotate through the zone more quickly than normal. This can lead to losing direction across the plate if they aren’t focusing enough on staying through the middle of the field. 

Adding bat speed is one of the absolute keys for hitting development - the faster you move the bat, the harder you hit the ball and the more time you have to make a swing decision. However, it isn’t as simple as just trying to swing as hard as you can. This is where we come in with our trainers; and we have a free overload and underload training program for players to guide their training in the correct way. Our goal is for hitters to get their fastest, best swing off while still maintaining the smooth control they need to remain consistent in the box. 


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